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Lessons From a Grilled Cheese Necklace

I bet you’re confused. I don’t blame you. A grilled cheese necklace? Is there such a thing and why am I writing about it?!

It’s a thing.

A few years back, I was browsing Etsy for some earrings for a friend’s birthday when in my feed, appeared a necklace with the charm of a grilled cheese. I love grilled cheese as much as the next person, but do I want to wear it around my neck?  Who would?

Over 2,000 people. Over 2,000 people bought and REVIEWED that grilled cheese necklace. I was stunned.

Whoa. What an incredible reminder that there is truly a buyer for everything.

What’s this have to do with you? Or books? Or platforms?  Everything.

That grilled cheese necklace shows that niching down to target that ONE person or group or pain point, gives you a powerful product that translates. When something is for everyone—it’s for no one.

It’s also a reminder to have faith in your ideas. Too often, we cut ourselves off just when an idea is taking shape because—well—who would want to follow me/read my work/watch my video/etc.  Well, grilled cheese necklace lady didn’t give up—and neither should you.

The more you are uniquely you and own your gifts and talents, the more people you’ll reach and impact. Tailor that message to the person who needs to hear it most—and you’ll reach many more.


Maybe it sounds cheesy…but it’s true

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