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Can You Feel The Energy?

Everything carries energy—we know this. I often speak about energy on a spiritual level, which admittedly makes my husband look at me sideways—but I believe in the transfer of energy (via contact, exchanging money, partnership, etc) and I also believe that we show up to everything we do with a specific energy.

This was reflected to me in a conversation I was having the other day with a prospective client. She mentioned that she had consults with a few other people that did work similar to mine, but that she felt an absolute energy connection when we were on the phone. I couldn’t have agreed more. I have a feeling that in addition to working together, we’ll be fast friends.


But it got me thinking…sometimes we dismiss energy too quickly, which ultimately tells our intuition “Shush! I don’t want to hear from you!”. Which…for me anyway…is never a good idea.

Sometimes when we have our eye on the prize—gotta get that BIG GOAL, gotta get that BIG DEAL, gotta land that BIG CLIENT—we ignore all the signs and energy that may be trying to steer us in a different direction.

When I first started this business, I had a vision for things I wanted to do. Sometimes ALL the signs told me that particular project or initiative WASN’T what I was supposed to do. But I forged forward and ultimately learned the hard way. I’m sure you’ve had some similar experiences.

I know many of you reading this newsletter are subscribed because you have a dream of becoming a published author. What I want you to be really careful of is listening to the signs, feeling the energy of who you’re working with or the programs you’re considering participating in—because it’s not enough to just do what everyone else is doing.

I’ve seen the heartbreak of people dumping thousands and thousands of dollars into programs that made false promises—or with teachers they didn’t resonate with, but their qualifications looked great. Our investments aren’t just with our money. They’re with our time and our energy.

I’ve bought online courses and attended events because I absolutely fell in love with the style and energy of the teacher. And sure, I learned some things—but I definitely had a good time.

*This is also a great time to remind you to always show up on your platform in an energy of service—you really can’t go wrong when you focus that energy.

When I used to manage a team, I would always tell the new employees: “Our clients may not remember every little task you did for them, but they will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel.” Energy is palpable. My goal for myself is to continue to hone my intuition around it—I mean, after almost 20 years in the self-help and wellness space, I guess it had to rub off on my eventually ☺

I invite you to tune in with me…


Until next time…

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